Parish Newsletter 25 January 2009


25th.January .THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AND FEAST OF CONVERSION OF SAUL.CHRISTIAN UNITY SUNDAY. and Feast also of Sts;Donatus and Gregory the Eastern Theologian.Christian Unity Week of Prayer ends today.


At this time , each year, the new boxes of envelopes are prepared for dispensing by those who kindly deliver them to the homes in the last week of January.We are deeply grateful to all who collect and count each week and to all prepare as well as deliver the boxes of envelopes.

Each person over 18, who has an income, is invited to help the good running of the parish and to take a box of envelopes.It is essential that the weekly envelope be returned each weekend.We request that €2 as a minimum be put into it or €5, if that can be afforded. The finances accruing from this collection pays for all the repairs and projects taken on in the parish. For instance, most of the cost of repairing the cemetery walks came from this fund, with close on €10,000 still to be paid.We are most grateful to all, who hand in the weekly envelope.We note that our most loyal contributors are the pensioners, some who can least afford it and other people who are very careful to ensure they get the envelope in each week. This is invaluable assistance to the fund and is most deeply appreciated.

We are trying to organise the return of envelopes that should come in and do not.Apart from making a banker`s order available, which some are using, we hope, through the Committee being set up, to keep the collection boosted, to make contact with people who genuinely will support the collection, but from time to time need reminding about sending in their contribution. We hope you will not be irritated by this approach, but if the collection continues to drop in income, we will be unable to run the parish properly. In the pipe line quite a lot of repair and renewal work has to be done on the roof of all three of our churches and the two parochial houses as well as on heating systems and surfacing in grounds.This is all quite expensive and will have to be done in stages.So we must build up the envelope fund to encounter these demands. Shortly, in each parish, a finance committee will be set up, as a response to the diocesan directive and it will be responsible along with the priest for all of this.Each parish has to ensure that it looks after its property and particularly the buildings in its charge.We know that you, our parishioners, with a great history of generosity and Christian responsibility, will be foremost in ensuring this, through your continued support and particularly through the weekly envelope collection, which is a convenient and fruitful resource.

Fr.Patrick A. Moore P.P.VF. Fr. B. Condron.C.C.

Parochial House. Castletown Finea.

0449661126/0872510855. 043.81141.


Sunday Masses

10.15 St. Peter's Centre. Weekday Mass 8.15.a.m. St.Michael`s

11.00. Castletown or Finea Saturday Mass at 10.a.m.

11.15. St.Michael's Confessions. 10.20.a.m.; 3.00.p.m. and

Vigil 7.p.m. St. Michael's 6.45.p.m. and 7.30.p.m. Sats.

Vigil 8.p.m. Castletown or Finea.

Adoration. 3-8.p.m. Mon-Thurs incl.

10.a.m.-12 noon. Tues and Wed.




Collection for January 17th./18th.Weekly Envelope,€1366.30 and Offertory Collection €Retired Priests`Fund. Thank you for supporting the Weekly Collections,Retired Priests` Fund Collection,for which we are most deeply grateful. Month of January dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.Year of intense prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life..Year of St.Mark in the Liturgy.Year of St Paul in the Universal Church and 150th.Ann of the Apparitions by Our Blessed Lady at Lourdes.U.N. Year of Astronomy.

Sunday 25th.THIRD SUNDAY OF YEAR, FEAST OF THE CONVERSION OF SAUL AND CHRISTIAN UNITY SUNDAY and Feast of Sts;Donatus and Gregory the Theologian.End of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.Baptism at 12 noon.Unity Ceremony at 8.p.m.Blessing and Installation of Icon of St.Paul.


Monday 26th.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast also of Sts;Timothy,Titus and Paula.Commencement of Catholic Schools Week. "A Vision for Life."continues until Feb.1st.

Tuesday 27th.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Angela Merici and Julian.

Wednesday 28th.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Thomas Aquinas and Valerius.Deanery Meeting, Delvin at 3.p.m.

Thursday 29th.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Gildas the Wise, Sabinian,Constantine and Papias.Legion of Mary Meeting 8.p.m.25th.Anniv.of Episcopal Ordination of Michael Smith.

Friday.30th.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Aidan, Bathilde,Hyacinth Mariscotti,Irish Martyrs, Francis Taylor and Margaret Ball. Ballycomoyle Club.Dinner Dance.

Saturday 31st.Third Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;John Bosco,Founder of the Salesians.Mass at 10.00.a.m.Confessions after Mass and before and after Vigil Mass.Confessions at 3.p.m.Vigil Mass at 7.p.m.

Sunday 1st.FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AND DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF SILVER JUBILEE OF BISHOP MICHAEL SMITH. and Feast also of Sts;Brigid, Patroness of Ireland.Mass in Cathedral at 3.p.m. for 25th.Anniv.Celebration.

MASS INTENTIONS (25th.January to 1st.February.2009.)

Sunday.25th.Readings;Jon.3.1-5,10.Ps.24.I Cor.7.29-31.Mk.1.14-20. 10.00.a.m.Ann.Saoirse Casserly-Farrelly.Confessions after Mass and at 3.p.m.and before and after Mass at 7 p.m. Vigil.Ann.John and Annie Hennessy, Gilbertstown. Sunday.St.Peter`s 10.15.a.m. Ann.Carmel Shiels, the Staff.11.15.a.m.Anniv.Michael Davitt,Dublin Rd.Baptism 3.p.m.Unity Ceremony at 8.p.m.

Monday: 26th.Readings;2 Tim.1.1-8.Ps.95.Lk.10.1-9.Mass at 8.15.a.m.Ann.Anthony McGlynn, Water St.

Tuesday 27th.Readings.Heb.10.1-10.Ps.39.Mk.3.31-35.Mass at 8.15.a.m.Ann. Kathleen, Patrick and Thomas Dowd,Green St.

Wednesday 28th.Readings.Heb.10.11-18.Ps.109.Mk.4.1-20.Mass at 8.15.a.m.Ann. Bernadette and Michael Carroll,The Square.Deanery Meeting 3.p.m. Delvin.

Thursday 29th.Readings.Heb.10.19-25.Ps.23. Mk.4.21-25..Mass at 8.15.a.m.Maple Court Mass at 3.p.m. Legion of Mary meet at 8.p.m. Room I.Parish Centre.

Friday 30th.Readings.Heb10.32-39.Ps.36.Mk.4.26-34.Mass at 8.15.a.m.

Saturday 31st.Readings.Heb.11.1-2,8-19.Ps.Lk.1.69-75.Mk.4.35-41.Mass at 10.00.a.m Ann.Peter Masterson, Robinstown, with memory of Patrick also.Confessions after Mass and at 3.p.m.and before and after Vigil Mass 7.p.m.Ann.Thomas O Driscoll, Limerick.

Sunday 1st.Readings.Deut.18.15-20.Ps.94.I Cor.7.32-35.Mk.1.21-28. St.Peter`s. at 10.15.a.m.Mass at 11.15.a.m. Ann. Joseph Markey,Cresley.3.p.m. Silver Jubilee Mass of Bishop Michael Smith.


Please pray for all who have died in recent times,

all whose anniversaries occur around this time and all whose remains are interred in our cemeteries,

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.


Baptism preparation course on Third Wednesday at.8.p.m.

Those with babies for Baptism should register for this course

in the Parish Centre, two weeks beforehand.It will be run by the Multy Group,Wed, 8.p.m.Parents, who have no babysitters, may take the baby along.

Parish Centre Programme for week, Jan Feb.1st.

Sunday 25th.MCH.3-5.p.m.Comhaltas.Clann Lir Branch

Monday 26th.6-7.p.m.Weightwatching/ Gymnastic class.Room I. Bowles MCH 8.p.m.

Tuesday 27th.Dancing Class 8.30.p.m. to 10.00.p.m. MCH.8.30.p.m.Room I. A.A. Meeting will take place.

Wednesday 28th.Dancing 4-5.p.m. MCH. Bowles MCH 8.p.m.

Thursday 29th.Dancing 4-6p.m. MCH.Legion of Mary Meeting Room I. 8.p.m.

Friday 30th.Block Booking.

Catholic Newspapers available each weekend in parish. Please support.

Please purchase the paper in the church or from the kind members of the Legion of Mary who sell them in the parish.We thank them for this.

Altar Servers Group for the
week.Jan 25th.2009.Group 4
Boys.Ciaran Fagan,Oisin Weitzman,Jason Hannon and Michael Carroll.Servers are expected to be present on their week of duty.

Alcoholics Anonymous Group weekly meeting in Parish Centre.

AA group will continue here on Tues, 8.30.p.m. in Room I. Parish Centre.To get information,please tel. 087.6282646 Bill..

Pope`s intentions for your prayer for the month of February.

That,the Pastors of the Church may always be docile to the action of the Holy Spirit in their teaching and in their service of God`s people.

That,the Church in Africa may find adequate ways and means to promote reconciliation, justice and peace, efficaciously, according to the indications of the Synod of the Bishops` Specail Assembly for Africa.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 25th.Jan. in St.Paul`s Year.

Christian Unity week of Prayer commenced, with the theme;"that they may be one in your hands".The ceremony here this year takes place in the Church of Ireland on Sunday 25th. Feast of Conversion of Saul at 8.p.m, with compline and talk, as well as refreshments,

Annual Weekly Envelope Collection.Dispensation of Boxes.Notice.

The boxes will be dispensed by those who kindly do this work each year at end of January.Those who kindly dispense the boxes and literature are requested to come to the Parochial House on Wed. 8.p.m.The Trocaire boxes will be dispensed this week too..

Ballycomoyle G.A.A.Club Annual Dinner Dance.Bloomfield Hotel.

This will be on Friday 30th.Jan.Tickets available.087.2207374.Please support this local club which does great work in the area.

Ringtown Camogie Club Annual General Meeting on 29th.January.

This will take place in Ringtown at Thursday.

North Westmeath Suicide Outreach Group Monthly Meeting Notice

The monthly meeting will take place in the Annebrook Hotel, Mullingar,on Thurs.3rd.Feb. New Volunteers very welcome.Contact no. is 087.7979890.Please support.

Church Cleaning for the month of January ending.Thursday 29th.

The church will be hoovered on that date. Cleaning may take place as suits after that. We are very grateful to all who do this good work.

Parish Bulletin 11 January 2009



11th.January .FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and Feast also of Sts;Benedict Biscop,Honoratus, Theodosius and Salvius.Renewal of Baptismal vows at Masses.Pioneer Collection this weekend.


The Father looked down with favour on the Son`s Baptism and the Holy Spirit anointed Him and His mission was sealed at that moment, in full view of the people.It was also the great moment of the manifestation of Jesus.He is proclaimed Messiah and goes about doing good, working the signs that make Him known as the Servant of God.He is the one who brings good news to the poor and tells of salvation.The Baptism by John, in the Jordan, was the sealing point at the commencement of the public ministry of Jesus.It also put a strong emphasis on the importance of Baptism itself. During His ministry,Jesus stressed the necessity of Baptism for salvation and was keen to remind us that without Baptism we could not enter the kingdom. "Unless you are baptised with water and the Holy Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." In the early Church, the Apostles carried out that mission to Baptise and all who heard the message of the Gospel and clung to it, desired to be Baptised and were, as the initiation into discipleship of Jesus, as well as fulfilling His mandate for salvation.

Apart from the very central message that Baptism is needed in our lives, to be saved by God, there is also included a call to live with our lives ordered to the life of Christ in the role of priest, prophet and king. The Father also looks on us with favour too from the moment of Baptism.

To live the life of priest entailed by Baptism, one must value and practice praying and worshipping and giving praise and thanks to God.We learn to offer ourselves and our lives with the death and resurrection of Jesus, in the Mass.We also see the importance of daily prayer, keeping us in union with the life of the Trinity, a share of which we received on our Baptism day.We use every other opportunity to praise God and thank Him for He does for us as we fulfil the priestly dimension of our Baptism.

In the prophetic role conferred on us in Baptism, we are called to live the Christian life fully each day, bearing witness to the Gospel message, living the Commandments and Beatitudes and doing our best to be like Christ and in Christ and for Christ.

In the kingly role, conferred in Baptism, we are called to be of good influence and give good example. We can rule the minds and lives of others with the mind of Christ in all things and all the values of Gospel living, by the way we show what rules our lives.If we are of good influence, then, we will flavour the world with Christ and that really is what a well lived Baptism should do for each of us.

Fr. Patrick A. Moore P.P.VF.

Parochial House.

0449661126/0872510855. e.mail.

Fr. B. Condron.C.C.

Castletown Finea.


Sunday Masses

10.15 St. Peter's Centre. Weekday Mass 8.15.a.m. St.Michael`s

11.00. Castletown or Finea Saturday Mass at 10.a.m.

11.15. St.Michael's Confessions. 10.20.a.m.; 3.00.p.m. and

Vigil 7.p.m. St. Michael's 6.45.p.m. and 7.30.p.m. Sats.

Vigil 8.p.m. Castletown or Finea.

Adoration. 3-8.p.m. Mon-Thurs incl.

10.a.m.-12 noon. Tues and Wed.



Collection for January 3rd./4th.Weekly Envelope,€1184.00 and Offertory Collection €609.32. Thank you for supporting the Weekly Collections,Cardinal Toppo Appeal,which realised €2,500.for which we are most deeply grateful, Christmas Offerings and other occasional collections. Month of January dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.Year of intense prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life..Year of St.Mark in the Liturgy.Year of St Paul in the Universal Church and 150th.Ann of the Apparitions by Our Blessed Lady at Lourdes.U.N. Year of Astronomy.

Sunday11th.FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and Feast of Sts;Benedict Biscop, Honoratus,Hyginus, Theodosius and Salvius.Renewal of Baptismal vows.


Monday 12th.First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast also of Sts;Arcadius, Aelred of Rievaux and Modestus.

Tuesday 13th.First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts; Hilary, Veronica and Hildemar.

Wednesday 14th.First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Felix of Nola, Sava and Macrina.

Thursday 15th.First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts; Ita, Maurus,Isidore,Remigius and Paul the Hermit.Legion of Mary Meeting 8.p.m.

Friday.16th. First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Fursa, Honoratus,Marcel and Priscilla. Maryvale Evening in Parish Centre.

Saturday 17th.First Week in Ordinary Time and Feast of Sts;Anthony the Abbot.Mass at 10.00.a.m.Confessions after Mass and before and after Vigil Mass.Confessions at 3.p.m.Vigil Mass at 7.p.m. Mary vale Course Parish Centre all day.

Sunday 18th.`SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AND DAY OF PRAYER FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES and Feast also of Sts;Prisca, Liberata and Margaret of Hungary.Collection for upkeep of retired priests, in the diocese, at all Masses.

MASS INTENTIONS (11th.January to 18th.January.2009.)

Sunday.11th.Readings;Is.55.1-11.Ps.Is.12.2-6.Acts 10.34-38.Mk.1.7-11. 10.00.a.m.Confessions after Mass and at 3.p.m.and before and after Mass at 7 p.m. Vigil.Ann.Claire Scarlett Sunday.10.15.St.Peter`s.11.15.a.m.Anniv.Bridie Devine, Pakenhamhall Rd.

Monday: 12th.Readings;Heb.1.1-6.Ps.96.Mk.1.14-20.Mass.8.15.a.m.

Tuesday 13th.Readings.Heb.2.5-12. Ps.8. Mk.1.21-28..Mass at 8.15.a.m.Ann. James and Margaret Murray, Slieveboy.Mass 3.p.m. Maple Court.

Wednesday 14th.Readings.Heb.2.14-18.Ps.104. Mk.1.29-39.Mass at 8.15.a.m.

Thursday 15th.Readings.Heb.3.7-14.Ps.94.Mk.1.40-45.Mass at 8.15.a.m. Legion of Mary meet at 8.p.m. Room I.Parish Centre.

Friday 16th.Readings.Heb.4.1`-5.Ps.77.Mk.2.1-12.Mass at 8.15.a.m. Ann for.Ellen Finglas late Mullingar Rd. Maryvale evening in Parish Centre.

Saturday 17th.Readings.Heb.4.12-16.Ps.18.Mk.2.13-17.Mass at 10.00.a.m-Decd. Members of Gibbons Family, Mullingar Rd.Confessions after Mass and at 3.p.m.and before and after Vigil Mass 7.p.m.Ann.Helen and Pat Gaffney, Glenview.Maryvale Course Parish Centre all day.

Sunday 18th.Readings.I Sam.3.3-20.19.Ps.39.I Cor.6.13-15,17-20.Jn.1.35-42. St.Peter`s. at 10.15.a.m.Mass at.11.15.a.m.Ann.Gerry and Catherine Ryan, Freighmore.


Please pray for all who have died in recent times Peter Corrigan,Milltown,

all whose anniversaries occur around this time and all whose remains are interred in our cemeteries,

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

Castlepollard Parish History Book

Copies of the recently published parish history book are on sale, please contact Fr. Patrick Moore, 044 9661126.